Pole Installation
One of the most important aspects of commercial sign installation is the support structure. For Monument Signs and Pylon Signs, this structure is commonly referred to as a sign pole and most often consists of a square or round steel pipe that is placed in a hole with an engineer specified depth and circumference. The pipe is then secured within a metal cage with concrete to give the sign the necessary support to last over the life of the sign as well as in high wind conditions.
The Sign Pole(s) protrude vertically either attaching to the bottom of the sign cabinet or attaching inside of the sign cabinet to metal supports. The sign pole is one of the most important factors in the structural integrity of your sign and that is why using a qualified sign company with proper engineering is a pre-requisite for any commercial sign with a ground-based structure.
Bakers Signs and Manufacturing is a company you can trust and rely on to properly design, manufacture and install a sign that lasts. We serve businesses across Texas, such as Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin. Contact us today to learn more about our pole installation services! Call today at 800-341-9158.

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM